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colourful crayons
If you have some short crayons,you could make a colourful candle. It is very beautiful and useful.
Make this colourful candle, you should have a crayon, some wax and a piece of thread.
First,you should cut lots of clastic crayon. Then put them into the wax.
Second, you should pinch the wax with clastic crayon very hard. If the wax to be very beautiful, you could stop.
Third, the wax you should put them in a small lid. Then put the thread around the wax. the colourful candle is finished!
colourful crayons
If you have some short crayons,you【 could——can】 make a colourful candle.It is very beautiful and useful.
【Make——Making】 this colourful candle,you should have a crayon,some wax and a piece of thread.
【First——最好改为Firstly,表示层次顺序】,you should cut lots of clastic crayon.Then put 【them——it】into the wax.
【Second——Secondly】,you should pinch the wax with clastic crayon very hard.If the wax 【加looks/seems】to be very beautiful,you 【could——can】 stop.
【Third——Thirdly】,【you should put the wax in a small lid.】 Then put the thread around the wax.the colourful candle is finished!
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