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Firstly,i'd like to introduce my family.
There are five people in my family--my parents,my brother,my sister and I.
My father is 48 years old .He is fond of fund and bring us much happiness.My mother is as old as him.She just a housewife and keep her mind on cooking.The food she cook is the most delicious that I think.
My little brother likes playing basketball and My sister is a lovely girl .They are all just student .But My sister like study is more than my brother.They used to quarrel ,but still love each other.
I love my family.
and then i'd like to introduce my hometown.
My hometown is a village in Changchun City,located in northeast of China.
It’s a beautiful place with distinct weather of the four seasons.My town has subtropical climate what I like most is spring of it,having a lot of rain and watering all plants and animal.Neither it’s hot,nor cold.
People there are warmth,honest and diligent.The convention of their masters were observed for ages ,living in house made by wood and earth ,walking through the track of farmland .Everybody is living a well-off life both in psychology and physics.
Many places of interest can be enjoyed at my land,just as the delicious food .You can see YU DAI QIAO bridge,SONG tower and eat as much navel orange as you can.
In a word,the air,the trees,the people are all what I love.
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