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福楼拜简介:福楼拜(1821~1880)法国作家.生于法国西北部鲁昂城一个世代行医的家庭.父亲是鲁昂市立医院院长兼外科主任.他的童年是在父亲的医院里度过的.因此,他以后的文学创作明显带有医生的细致观察与剖析的痕迹.福楼拜从中学时代起就开始尝试文学创作.1841年他就读于巴黎法学院,22岁时因被怀疑患癫痫病而辍学,此后他一直住在鲁昂,专心从事创作,终生未婚.《包法利夫人》是福楼拜用了将近5年的时间于 1857年完成的.这部作品开创了文学史上的一个新纪元,也成为他的代表作.随后他又创作了《萨朗宝》(1862)、《情感教育》(1869)和《三故事》(1877)
Flaubert introduction:Flaubert (1821-1880),French writer.Born in Rouen city in the North-West of France a generation of family medicine.Father is President of Rouen city hospital and surgical Director.His childhood was the father of the hospital.Therefore,he later literature with an obvious observation and doctor's detailed analysis of the marks.Flaubert from middle age began to try to literature.1841 he studied at the Paris School of law,at the age of 22 who are suspected of suffering from epilepsy and drop out of school,then he has lived in Rouen,concentrate on the creative life of unmarried."Madame Bovary" is Flaubert spent nearly 5 years to be completed in the year 1857.This work has created a literary history of a new era,also became his representative.Then he also authored the Salang Po "(1862),the affective education" (1869) and the three-story "(1877)