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Dear Mary
I am excessively sorry to tell you that I won't be able to come tomorrow .
The day after tomorrow ,is my grand mother's eightieth birthday,but I'm stupid* that I haven't recalled* it until today's morning ,at the moment ,my mother informed me by telephone that I should prepare the gift for grandmother.I realy have kept our date of my closest friends in my mind,however the present I need to buy at tommorow.
I only to regretfully say sorry for you ,and please tell john and Rose the absence of me .Last I hope you have a good time.
your sincerely
come tomorrow .
The day after tomorrow ,is 逗号去掉
stupid* that ” * “是什么,有什么?
today's morning
this morning
,at the moment 另起一句,并且要用现在时态
however the present I need to buy at tommorow.看不懂你想表达什么
I only to regretfully say sorry for you
I only too regretful to say sorry to you
please tell john and Rose the absence of me
please tell John and Rose about my absence
Last I hope you have a good time.
Hope you have a good time.另起一段
看了 英语作文关于应故无法赴约,D...的网友还看了以下:

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对于反应中的能量变化,表述正确的是()A.放热反应中,反应物的总能量大于生成物的总能量B.断开化学  2020-05-14 …

对于反应Cl2(g)+2NO(g)2NOCl(g),实验发现,如两反应物浓度都加倍,则反应速率增至  2020-05-24 …

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1.下列关于化学反应类型的叙述中,一定正确的是()A.酸和碱的反应一定是复分解反应B.两种盐反应一定  2021-01-10 …

化学反应及基本反应类型.C+O2=CO2,属于反应稀硫酸和金属镁反应生成硫酸镁1和氢气.属于反应盐酸  2021-01-23 …

完成下列反应的化学方程式,并在括号里注明反应的基本类型(指化合反应、分解反应、置换反应、).(1)铝  2021-02-01 …

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