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在美国市场上,次级贷款大部分为浮动利率抵押贷款,即ARM (Ajustable Rate mortgage),而绝大部分ARM是固定/浮动混合利率抵押贷款(Hy-bridARM),即在抵押发售的最初阶段,银行按照事先商定的固定利率向购房者发放抵押,在固定利率期(一般是2-3年)结束时,抵押贷款开始按当时的市场利率浮动.而在这些可调整利率抵押贷款产品中,大约三分之二属于“2/28”混合利率产品(即前2年是固定的低利率,后28年利率浮动).此外,“3/27”混合利率产品(即前3年是固定的低利率,后27年利率浮动)的结构在次级抵押贷款中也较为普遍.这些浮动利率抵押贷款在美国房地产泡沫形成中作用显著: 1998年混合利率抵押贷款占30年固定利率抵押贷款的比例不足2%,到2004年,这一比例猛增至27•5%.这类次级抵押贷款初期提供非常优惠的固定利率是一种利率诱惑;而借款人则“愿者上钩”,把利率上升的风险留给了未来.由此可见,美国住房抵押贷款产品设计旨在通过降低借款人初期偿付额而诱惑低收人家庭借款买房,在推动次级抵押贷款市场扩张的同时,也积累了大量的风险.投资者对房价上升保持乐观,加上住房抵押贷款机构设计的贷款品种是近期少付将来多付,必然促使次级贷款市场繁荣,但这种繁荣是扭曲的繁荣.因为对于借款人而言,在固定/浮动混合利率抵押贷款方式下,月度还款额在贷款重新计算日之后将大幅增加是确定的,而未来由于房价上升导致的偿付能力增强是不确定的,确定偿还额度的上升与不确定偿付能力增强的匹配必然导致风险的过度累积,为危机的产生奠定了基础.所以,次贷产品通常表现为月供调整频繁,还款压力前松后紧,产品设计繁杂、风险控制放松等.由此可见,次级贷款及其衍生产品的设计存在重大缺陷.
在美国市场上,次级贷款大部分为浮动利率抵押贷款,即ARM (Ajustable Rate mortgage),而绝大部分ARM是固定/浮动混合利率抵押贷款(Hy-bridARM),即在抵押发售的最初阶段,银行按照事先商定的固定利率向购房者发放抵押,在固定利率期(一般是2-3年)结束时,抵押贷款开始按当时的市场利率浮动.而在这些可调整利率抵押贷款产品中,大约三分之二属于“2/28”混合利率产品(即前2年是固定的低利率,后28年利率浮动).此外,“3/27”混合利率产品(即前3年是固定的低利率,后27年利率浮动)的结构在次级抵押贷款中也较为普遍.这些浮动利率抵押贷款在美国房地产泡沫形成中作用显著: 1998年混合利率抵押贷款占30年固定利率抵押贷款的比例不足2%,到2004年,这一比例猛增至27•5%.这类次级抵押贷款初期提供非常优惠的固定利率是一种利率诱惑;而借款人则“愿者上钩”,把利率上升的风险留给了未来.由此可见,美国住房抵押贷款产品设计旨在通过降低借款人初期偿付额而诱惑低收人家庭借款买房,在推动次级抵押贷款市场扩张的同时,也积累了大量的风险.投资者对房价上升保持乐观,加上住房抵押贷款机构设计的贷款品种是近期少付将来多付,必然促使次级贷款市场繁荣,但这种繁荣是扭曲的繁荣.因为对于借款人而言,在固定/浮动混合利率抵押贷款方式下,月度还款额在贷款重新计算日之后将大幅增加是确定的,而未来由于房价上升导致的偿付能力增强是不确定的,确定偿还额度的上升与不确定偿付能力增强的匹配必然导致风险的过度累积,为危机的产生奠定了基础.所以,次贷产品通常表现为月供调整频繁,还款压力前松后紧,产品设计繁杂、风险控制放松等.由此可见,次级贷款及其衍生产品的设计存在重大缺陷.
在美国市场上,次级贷款大部分为浮动利率抵押贷款,即ARM (Ajustable Rate mortgage),而绝大部分ARM是固定/浮动混合利率抵押贷款(Hy-bridARM),即在抵押发售的最初阶段,银行按照事先商定的固定利率向购房者发放抵押,在固定利率期(一般是2-3年)结束时,抵押贷款开始按当时的市场利率浮动.而在这些可调整利率抵押贷款产品中,大约三分之二属于“2/28”混合利率产品(即前2年是固定的低利率,后28年利率浮动).
A major portion of the subprime lending on the U.S. market is adjustable rate mortgage, or ARM, and most of the ARMs are fixed/floating hybrid ARMs; this means that at the initial stage of the mortgage, the bank will grant a loan to the house buyer at a prearranged fixed interest rate, after the expiry of the fixed interest rate period (usually 2 to 3 years), the interest rate of the mortgage loan shall be based on the floating market rate. Among these ARM products, about two-thirds are “2/28” Hybrid ARM products (i.e. fixed low interest rate for the first two years, floating interest rate for the remaining 28 years).
此外,“3/27”混合利率产品(即前3年是固定的低利率,后27年利率浮动)的结构在次级抵押贷款中也较为普遍.这些浮动利率抵押贷款在美国房地产泡沫形成中作用显著: 1998年混合利率抵押贷款占30年固定利率抵押贷款的比例不足2%,到2004年,这一比例猛增至27•5%.这类次级抵押贷款初期提供非常优惠的固定利率是一种利率诱惑;而借款人则“愿者上钩”,把利率上升的风险留给了未来.
In addition, the structure of “3/27” Hybrid ARM products (i.e. fixed low interest rate for the first 3 years, floating interest rate for the remaining 27 years) is relatively common in subprime lending. These ARM products have played a significant role in the creation of the real estate bubble in the United States: in 1998, ARM constituted less than 2% in the 30-year fixed interest mortgage loans, but the ratio rocketed to 27.5% in 2004. This type of subprime lending which offers preferential fixed interest rate at the initial stage is a kind of interest rate temptation; the borrowers are willing to be lured and leaving the risk of rising interest rate to the future.
So, the design of U.S. housing mortgage products is to lower the initial repayment amounts so as to lure the low-income families to purchase houses by loans; this has given impetus to the expansion of the subprime lending market, as well as accumulated a great deal of risks. In view of the investors’ optimism to the escalating housing prices, coupled with the “now pay less, more in future” loan products designed by the housing mortgage lending institutions, these factors inevitably spur the prosperity of the subprime lending market; but this is a contorted prosperity.
This is because under the form of Hybrid ARM, as far as the borrowers are concerned, the monthly reimbursement certainly will be largely increased after the recomputation date, but the enhanced repaying ability caused by future housing price boom is uncertain. The matching of confirmed reimbursement increases and the uncertain enhancement of repayment ability definitely will lead to excessive accumulation of risks, and this has laid the foundation of the crisis. Therefore, the subprime lending products generally manifest as frequently adjusted monthly installments, reimbursement pressure is slack at the beginning and heavy later on, complicated product designs, relaxed risk control, etc. This shows that there are significant shortcomings in the designs of subprime lending and its derivative products.
A major portion of the subprime lending on the U.S. market is adjustable rate mortgage, or ARM, and most of the ARMs are fixed/floating hybrid ARMs; this means that at the initial stage of the mortgage, the bank will grant a loan to the house buyer at a prearranged fixed interest rate, after the expiry of the fixed interest rate period (usually 2 to 3 years), the interest rate of the mortgage loan shall be based on the floating market rate. Among these ARM products, about two-thirds are “2/28” Hybrid ARM products (i.e. fixed low interest rate for the first two years, floating interest rate for the remaining 28 years).
此外,“3/27”混合利率产品(即前3年是固定的低利率,后27年利率浮动)的结构在次级抵押贷款中也较为普遍.这些浮动利率抵押贷款在美国房地产泡沫形成中作用显著: 1998年混合利率抵押贷款占30年固定利率抵押贷款的比例不足2%,到2004年,这一比例猛增至27•5%.这类次级抵押贷款初期提供非常优惠的固定利率是一种利率诱惑;而借款人则“愿者上钩”,把利率上升的风险留给了未来.
In addition, the structure of “3/27” Hybrid ARM products (i.e. fixed low interest rate for the first 3 years, floating interest rate for the remaining 27 years) is relatively common in subprime lending. These ARM products have played a significant role in the creation of the real estate bubble in the United States: in 1998, ARM constituted less than 2% in the 30-year fixed interest mortgage loans, but the ratio rocketed to 27.5% in 2004. This type of subprime lending which offers preferential fixed interest rate at the initial stage is a kind of interest rate temptation; the borrowers are willing to be lured and leaving the risk of rising interest rate to the future.
So, the design of U.S. housing mortgage products is to lower the initial repayment amounts so as to lure the low-income families to purchase houses by loans; this has given impetus to the expansion of the subprime lending market, as well as accumulated a great deal of risks. In view of the investors’ optimism to the escalating housing prices, coupled with the “now pay less, more in future” loan products designed by the housing mortgage lending institutions, these factors inevitably spur the prosperity of the subprime lending market; but this is a contorted prosperity.
This is because under the form of Hybrid ARM, as far as the borrowers are concerned, the monthly reimbursement certainly will be largely increased after the recomputation date, but the enhanced repaying ability caused by future housing price boom is uncertain. The matching of confirmed reimbursement increases and the uncertain enhancement of repayment ability definitely will lead to excessive accumulation of risks, and this has laid the foundation of the crisis. Therefore, the subprime lending products generally manifest as frequently adjusted monthly installments, reimbursement pressure is slack at the beginning and heavy later on, complicated product designs, relaxed risk control, etc. This shows that there are significant shortcomings in the designs of subprime lending and its derivative products.
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