早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Your tomorrows are as bright
as you want to make them.
There is no reason to carry
the darkness of the past
with you into today.
Today is a wonderful new experience,
full of every possibility to make
your life exactly what you want it to be.
Today is the beginning of new happiness,
new directions and new relationships.
Today is the day to remind yourself
that you posses the power
and strength you need
to bring contentment,love and joy into your life.
Today is the day to understand yourself
and to give yourself the love
and the patience that you need.
Today is the day to move forward
towards your bright tomorrow.
The Most Inspiring Poems
1.The Significance of Failure 失败的意义
2.Follow Your Own Course走自己的路
3.Faith 信念
4.On Changes论变化
5.Results and Roses硕果和玫瑰
6.The Value of Time时间的价值
7.Today is a New Day今天是新的一天
9.The Road Not Taken没有走过的路
10.What is Success成功的内涵
as you want to make them.
There is no reason to carry
the darkness of the past
with you into today.
Today is a wonderful new experience,
full of every possibility to make
your life exactly what you want it to be.
Today is the beginning of new happiness,
new directions and new relationships.
Today is the day to remind yourself
that you posses the power
and strength you need
to bring contentment,love and joy into your life.
Today is the day to understand yourself
and to give yourself the love
and the patience that you need.
Today is the day to move forward
towards your bright tomorrow.
The Most Inspiring Poems
1.The Significance of Failure 失败的意义
2.Follow Your Own Course走自己的路
3.Faith 信念
4.On Changes论变化
5.Results and Roses硕果和玫瑰
6.The Value of Time时间的价值
7.Today is a New Day今天是新的一天
9.The Road Not Taken没有走过的路
10.What is Success成功的内涵
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