早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A:Television is a great inventor,isn't it?
A:But I read somewhere that in a way televison has killed people's own creativity.
B:2.____.It makes you sit for hours afterhours and stop you form doing things and thinking thinks.
A:3.____.It that true?
B:4.____.Televison itself is very good.
B:Well...yes,it seems to me that the important thing in life is to active,but televison stops this.
A.Yes,it is.
B.No,it isn't.
C.Yes,it's happening to many people.
D.Then you think of televison as a great time-waster.
E.It depends on how people choose what they want to see.
F.In that case it seems as if you're against TV.
G.Then you thing that people can live a perfect happy life if they haven't got a televison.
A:Television is a great inventor,isn't it?
A:But I read somewhere that in a way televison has killed people's own creativity.
B:2.____.It makes you sit for hours afterhours and stop you form doing things and thinking thinks.
A:3.____.It that true?
B:4.____.Televison itself is very good.
B:Well...yes,it seems to me that the important thing in life is to active,but televison stops this.
A.Yes,it is.
B.No,it isn't.
C.Yes,it's happening to many people.
D.Then you think of televison as a great time-waster.
E.It depends on how people choose what they want to see.
F.In that case it seems as if you're against TV.
G.Then you thing that people can live a perfect happy life if they haven't got a televison.
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