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XX同学于2010年 月 日至 月 日在我公司计财部进行实习.期间,从会计基础工作开始做起,涉及凭证录入、凭证装订以及银行结算单据的整理等工作,重点参与了我公司2011年上半年预算执行情况分析工作.其主要任务是分类汇总财务费用各项目实际发生额,测算利率变动与贷款平均余额变化对公司财务费用的影响,协助进行2011年上半年财务预算执行情况差异分析.
Internship appraisal report
From XX to XX in 2010,XX had a internship in financal department of our company.During the period,the intern student started with the work of foundational accountant,involving vouchers’ entry,binding and bank settlement,and involved in our company’s analysis of budget implementation of the first half of the year in 2011.She assisted completing the following tasks:classify and summarize the financial costs of the project’s actual amount,calculate the variation of interest rate and the average loan balance ,analasis the results and estimates the influence to our company’s financial expenses.She had excellently completing her tasks.
During the internship period,XX was a seriously and meticulous person,from her work,she showed her solid specialized foundation,keen observational and good executional ability.Especially,she performed an outstanding ability and great potential in model statistics and mathematical calculation.
Internship Appraisal Report
From XX to XX in 2010, XX had an internship in the financial department of our company, during which the intern student started with the work of foundational accountant, involving vouchers’ entry, binding and bank settlement, and involved in our company’s analysis of budget implementation of the first half of the year 2011. She assisted completing the following tasks: classifying and summarizing the financial costs of the project’s actual amount, calculating the variation of interest rate and the average loan balance, analyzing the results and estimates the influence to our company’s financial expenses. She had well done her tasks.
During the internship period, XX was a serious and meticulous person, in her work, she has showed her solid professional foundation, keen observation and fabulous executive ability. Especially, she performed an outstanding ability and great potential in model statistics and mathematical calculation.
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