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and needed him to show
heroism,he was defeated by his
instinctive fear and abandon
the ship .However ,on taking
on the accident boat,he want to
swim back the sinking ship to
have a look.What's more,his
heroism make contributes to
his tragedy.When he was
rescued,his heroism prompt
him to chose to be honesty,and
not like the captain lied about
that.Thought in deed,the
captain is the biggest
responsibility for the
shipwreck,Jim went to the
court alone to receive the
adjudgement and his sailing
qualifications was take off.All
in all,Jim was too romantic
with the fictional world of
sailing hero.
From where I stand,though
the book tells Jim's story,I
think his aim is to reveal the
false of western imperialism.
As to this issue,we can analysis
the false imperialism via
contrast.The captain of Paterna
is arrogant and noble,and
proud of coming from "these
abode of piety and peace
".however,when the shipwreck
happened,he flee from a
calamity without a flash of
hesitation.Contrast to the
captain,the two native niggers
try their best to carry out their
duty as a humble sailor.And
though Jim also abandon the
ship,he regret immediately
when take on the accident boat,
and he is honest to receive the
court's adjudgement in stead of
telling lies.In addition,contrast
to the gang of white pirates'
treachery,the master of
Patusan shows his mercy to the
white pirates after Jim's beg.
That is a epitome of the
relationship between the
colonist and aboriginals.The
colonist cheat adoriginals'
mercy and then kill them
cruelly.And Jim's self-abuse
and suicide also reflect the
imperialism's false.
Lord Jim is regarded as a
monument on the history of
British novel.the highly status
is oweing to the fancy structure
and narrations.Conrad expose
the theme with the trifling
story of Jim'.he can follow the
story whose climax is very
simple in a interesting way
with a singular structure.It is
no wonder that Lord Jim
become a monument of British
Maybe the spring will be old,perhaps flo wer will thank,but You stand by me forev er.If I were a Was the birds spread your wings and fly,then you are there Drum u p my wings of the wind; If I were a just Bu d germination,that you are the deep eart h The root.Oh,teacher,please temporaril y stop your batch Revise the tip,please te mporarily stop you in a hurry Home visits,please temporarily stop you earnestly Cla ss notes.I want to say to you...(a) Two ye ars ago of the autumn season,you give m e that one Silk smile,that a "believe in yo urself,you can The inner world of the line "gave me into a stronger The big driving f orce.I can still remember clearly,That da y,the first time that you for our group Chil dlike children,your kind smile Let,I still re member.Never forget No,can't forget to also don't want to forget,because it is My pills,centering is the sail of my life.(2) Wa nt to say "sorry" to you.May be you Have forgotten,but I can't forget.That week A,I didn't wear school uniform as a flag bear er is on the rise The red flag,and I don't f eel how,can you Scolded me so.I am sad ,think You have changed,become no long er care about me,no longer Believe me.Pain,has been painful,I can't forget,That is like a needle into the pain in my heart.Due to the This,I "turned" with you.Do yo u use eye into my inner world,deep Love said to me:"I'm sorry,that day my heart Mood is bad,but you must remember wh erever He Jin To respect the red flag,care for the red flag."" don't "That you should say sorry to me!Hate,no Dare to stay in my heart,and you are the word But deepl y branded in my heart,never wipe Go to...(3) The wind clear of a full moon night,w ith you Question,and I smelled the most alcohol in the wine Sweet.Never forget th at "if you All admitted to high school,my h eart even less to live a few years F."This s entence you repeat five times We dare no t forget,and will not forget.I want to,do n ot have to care about is that you drink Sai d after the careless words,or after you w ake up A heartfelt words.But we underst and that you are How heavy weight is utt ered.we Also believe that you will use th e beauty of life to change us A good futur e.Really want to really want to say to you :"old Teacher,believe us,we can do it!"
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