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以月球之旅为题写一篇英语作文 包括可能遇到的问题和解决方法
Master of the Moon on the Earth will encounter unexpected difficulties. First of all, the moon is the Earth's gravity 1/6 people up, first of all feel super cool, walking is easy, it feels like time slows down as slowly in order to jump to the ground, human beings must adapt to this gravity also after training at the Earth. Secondly, thin air on the moon, mankind in order to breathe, must wear spacesuits. Also, the pressure on the Moon and Earth are not the same, if they are directly exposed to the moon, will be the body's pressure burst pressure; because there is no air on the moon, and turnover is around the Earth, the temperature difference is very large, not to mention human beings, is the ordinary when the machine also can not stand the feeling of hot and cold; there is no air on the moon, solar radiation and cosmic rays directly onto the human body, the human cell structure damage, accelerated aging, cancer of; there is no air on the moon, the outer stray meteorite directly hits the lunar surface, the impact worse than bullets will hit you at any time.
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