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求:八段锦 易筋经 形意拳 英文介绍
1.八段锦 Ba Duan Jin (The Octupled Brocade) is a very important part for keeping in good health in China in the past.This set of Qigong practicing method is designed for viscera disease.The main points,usage,and purpose of the movement are mentioned in every sentence.Ba Duan Jin is gradually perfected and developed with the guidance of the traditional astrology theory.
2.易筋经 Muscle-bone strengthening exercise-history of martial arts under the renowned archaeologist TANG Hao's research,"Muscle-bone strengthening exercise" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Purple condensate from Mt Tuodamo false name written down .Wushu Qigong,the ancient health was followed for development of the martial arts and,emigrated to the mature form system.And "Muscle-bone strengthening exercise" a lofty status in the history of martial arts qigong,the birth of the Chinese Wushu qigong a sign of maturity.Shaolin imported after Muscle-bone strengthening exercise,Shaolin monks are now studying the "muscle-bone strengthening exercise" Fusion is the "muscle-bone strengthening exercise" and "inner strength that only" after the gong.
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