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(1) financial assets and financial liabilities determined the fair value of the method
Fair value, refers to the fair trade, are familiar with the situation of assets to the voluntary trade exchange or the amount of liabilities.
Financial tools exist the active market, this company USES the active market quotation determine its fair value.
The active market quotation is to point to easily from the regular exchange, brokers, industry association, pricing service agencies getting the prices, and the representative in the fair transaction actually happened in the market price.
Financial tools does not exist the active market, our company adopts valuations determine the fair value of the technology.
Valuations technology including reference familiar with the situation and voluntary transactions of all parties to recent transactions in the market price of the use of the same in essence, refer to other financial instruments of the fair value of the current, discounter-cash-flow method and the option pricing model and so on.
(2) the financial asset classification, recognition and measurement
Conventionally business financial assets, according to the trading day to terminate accounting recognition and confirmation.
Financial assets in the time of initial recognition is divided into to the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial assets, the held-to-maturity investment, loans and accounts receivable and available for sale financial assets.
Initial recognition of financial assets, in order to fair value measurement.
For the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the related transaction costs directly included in the current profits and losses, and for other kinds of financial assets, the related transaction costs included in the amount of initial recognition.
The company financial assets only for loans and receivables;
Loans and accounts receivable is to point to has no offer in the active market and recycling of the amount of the fixed or determinable non-derivative financial assets.
The company is divided into loans and the accounts receivable of financial assets include notes receivable, other receivables accounts receivable and etc.
(3) the financial asset impairment
In addition to the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the company in each balance sheet date on other financial carrying value of the asset for examination, have objective evidence that financial asset impairment occurred, provision shall be made.
This company for single amount of financial assets individually significant impairment test;
The amount of individual not significant financial assets, separately impairment test or included in the credit risk with similar characteristics of the combination of financial asset impairment test.
Alone has not occurred the impairment test financial assets (including single amount and not significant major financial assets), including in a similar credit risk characteristics of financial portfolio impairment test again.
Already single confirm the impairment loss of financial assets, not included in the credit risk with similar characteristics of the combination of financial asset impairment test.
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