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这道题怎么做:短文改错. 假
注意:1. 每处错误及修改词均仅限一词; 
          2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不记分.
Dear Editor,
     I'm writing to tell you about a food poisoning accident. Several days ago, my neighbor ate a bag of food
buying from the market. After the meal, they had stomachaches and their faces turn pale. Fortunately, one
of their friends found the accident and immediately called on an ambulance, which carried them quickly to
a hospital. After several hours' treatment they finally escaped from death. 
     As some illegal businessmen only interested in making profits to become rich quickly, we seldom care
about the necessary safety measures or care which happens to consumers. They must be charged with law.
Meanwhile, I do hope whole society can realize the important of food safety and begin taking action together
to make sure food is safe. 
                                                                                                                                        Wang Ming

Dear Editor, 
     I'm writing to tell you about a food poisoning accident.Several days ago,my neighbor ate a bag of food
buying from the market.After the meal,they had stomachaches and their faces turn pale.Fortunately,one
2.bought                                                                                                3.turned
of their friends found the accident and immediately called on an ambulance,which carried them quickly to
a hospital.After several hours' treatment they finally escaped from death.
     As some illegal businessmen鈭?nly interested in making profits to become rich quickly, we seldom care
                                            5. are                                                                          6.they
about the necessary safety measures or care which happens to consumers.They must be charged with law.
                                                              7.what                                                                  8.by
Meanwhile,I do hope鈭?hole society can realize the important of food safety and begin taking action together
                          9.the / our                              10.importance
to make sure food is safe.
                                                                                                                                           Wang Ming
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