早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
第一幅图:一个人开了辆车在打电话,说:Can you hear me yet?
第二幅图:这个人撞车了对着电话说Right,so my parents will make a big deal and pull my cell phone and my learner's permit!
开头是As is shown inthe picture,with the quick increase of the private cars,some drivers are driving while making or receiving cell phones.
第一幅图:一个人开了辆车在打电话,说:Can you hear me yet?
第二幅图:这个人撞车了对着电话说Right,so my parents will make a big deal and pull my cell phone and my learner's permit!
开头是As is shown inthe picture,with the quick increase of the private cars,some drivers are driving while making or receiving cell phones.
According to researchers, drive to make or receive handset has four effects: one is distracting the driver, call or answer the phone, the young driver reaction speed is only 70 year old driver, which greatly weakened the ability of accident drivers; two is a mobile phone to a traffic accident risk 4 times higher than usual, as more than 3 fatal traffic accidents because drivers can not concentrate induced; three is driving make or take a mobile phone also can influence other traffic efficiency, and increased road traffic congestion, is not conducive to the smooth road orderly. Fourth, a mobile phone in a moving car, mobile phone may be in order to avoid the area switching too frequent, and specify the large power station covering a wider range of services, its transmit power will be improved by the increasing transmission distance. So I propose, drivers call a penalty of 200 yuan, deduct 2 points for security, for the sake of you and me.
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