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1 43%的学生赞同,理由:电动车方便快捷,可减少上学路上花费的时间和体力
2 57%的学生反对,理由:电动车比较危险而且相对自行车不环保
3 你的看法
I'm a middle school student namd LiHua . Last week, I did a survey about weather we shoud ride an electric car to school and I got the result of it just now. In my school, 43% students agree with it, they said it was fast to ride an electric car to go to school also it spends less time and it is very relaxing for us , other 57%students disagree ,they think ride an electric car is more dangerous andit makes much pollution and it is bad for the earth. I think we shoudn't do this, because it is a little bit bad for us.
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