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On the issuance of oil and gas industry workers,such as oil 44 types of work "National Occupational Skill Testing Authority norms" notice
Provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Labor (Labor and Social Security) department (bureau),the State Council departments of labor and social security work of institutions:
According to the Ministry of Labor "on the development of notice" (the Labor Department issued [1994] 185) the spirit of the Department of Labor and Social Security and the China National Petroleum Corporation Organization experts,based on oil and gas industry professional skills standards,developed 44 oil workers and other types of work "National Occupational Skill Testing Authority norms",has been validated,are presented purposes.
Annex:oil and gas industry,"National Occupational Skill Testing Authority norms" directory
Oil and gas industry,"National Occupational Skill Testing Authority norms" directory
1,oil workers
2,Production Engineering Laboratory
3,light hydrocarbon plant operatives
4,crude oil analysis works
5,geological oil workers
6,production testing workers
7,gathering and transportation workers
8,injection pump works
9,formation testing workers
10,special vehicles pump works
11,oil and gas pipeline installation
12,operating machine drivers
13,downhole tools workers
14,operating derrick installation
15,the production of metal structures of oil workers
16,Underground Work Works
17,gas workers
18,oil workers
19,pipeline protection works
20,anti-corrosion insulation workers
21,Integrated Measurement Engineering
22,Gas Works
23,Gas Works test
24,gas workers
25,Gas Pipeline maintenance workers
26,the oil seismic survey works
27,were surveying the volume of oil workers
28,Public Works Vibroseis
29,oil drilling workers
30,drilling rigs to install Works
31,geological drilling workers
32,logging workers
33,drilling mud Works
34,Drilling Diesel Engine Works
35,perforation core workers
36,cementing the Public
37,downhole drilling tools,decoration workers
38,ground drilling tools,decoration workers
39,Guanzi repairman
40,oil rig mechanic
41,pumping installation
42,injection pump repairman
43,special vehicles pump repairman
44,oil and gas fields of water treatment works
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