早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




Once again I had run away and really did not know why. I walked out of the gate to go to school and then kept   31  _. I had just turned eleven years old the week before. It was almost dark; I was tired scared cold and all alone. I had not eaten all day and was afraid to turn    32 _ into the police.

As darkness fell I made my way over to the city park   33 _ on Park Street. I entered the darkened area and sat down on one of the wooden benches(长凳).“Well hello young man.” A voice came from    34 _ me. I jumped almost falling off the park bench. I could feel my heart beating in the side of my neck. I could   35  _ catch my breath. I looked back and saw a woman standing behind me in the shadows. She found I was    36 _ because of feeling cold so she took off her large scarf and covered it   37  _ my shoulders.   38 _ my eyes she asked me if I need something to eat. After I said “yes” she held out her hand and told me to take the very letter
  39  _ I was unable to see to the store owner. I looked at her outstretched arm but saw    40 _ in her hand. However I   41  _ my hands slowly acting as though I was taking something from her hand.

I came to a store with a   42  _ sitting behind a counter. I opened the door very slowly I held out my hand which has nothing in it toward her. I watched her face to see if she might think I was crazy or something else.   43  _ she immediately turned and walked to the back of the store for the food I need. After that I walked out into the street and headed back to the park where the old woman was.“Can I have the letter so I can be magic too?” I asked. Without replying to me __ 44 __      she told me the persons who wanted to help    45 _ in need would never need the magic letter any more. With these words she stood up kissed me on the forehead removed the large scarf from my shoulders and disappeared into the darkness.

31. A. jumping       B. running         C. walking           D. hiking

32. A. himself       B. myself          C. themselves        D. yourselves

33. A. finding       B. having          C. laying            D. lying

34. A. before        B. beside          C. behind            D. after

35. A. nearly        B. almost          C. also              D. hardly

36. A. breathing     B. speaking        C. shaking           D. running

37. A. above         B. around          C. in                D. beside

38. A. Looking into B. Looking at      C. Looking after     D. Looking over

39. A. where         B. that            C. what              D. who

40. A. everything    B. something       C. nothing               D. anything

41. A. pulled out    B. pushed out      C. reached out           D. handed out

42. A. boy           B. policeman       C. man               D. woman

43. A. Amazingly     B. naturally       C. happily           D. luckily

44. A. so            B. instead         C. however           D. though

45. A. another       B. other           C. the other         D. others

31-35CBDCD     36-40CBABC    41-45CDABD
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