早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Good afternoon,everyone.My topic is “New Beijing,Great Olympics”.
Do you still remember hearing “The city which will host the 29th Olympic Games is Beijing!” Do you still remember the moment when we all cheered and waved together?We were excited for Beijing’s chance to host the Olympic Games.
Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world.It has a history of about 3000 years.It is not only ancient,but also modern and beautiful.
The municipal government of Beijing has prepared for the Olympic Games in all aspects,including competition places,environment,traffic and so on.
The Olympics chose China,the world also chose China.
We have to ask ourselves an important question,“As Chinese citizens,what can we do to prepare for the Olympic Games?”
By the time Olympics are held in China in the year 2008,I will be a high school student.I will volunteer to do my part for the Olympic Games in whatever way I can be useful.Maybe I can use my foreign language skills to help to bridge the language gaps.For that,I must study English hard now to improve my English proficiency to the required level.Or maybe I can volunteer to do publicity work to raise people’s environmental awareness.We must protect the environment to make China a greener country.I think if everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment,China will become much more beautiful by the time the Olympics come.It is not only my duty,but the duty of all Chinese people.I believe that China will host the most successful Olympic Games ever in 2008.
New Beijing,Great Olympics!We are coming!
That’s all.Thanks for listening.
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