We use both words and sentences to 1. our thoughts and opinions and to 2. with other people. Just like spoken language body language 3. from culture to culture.
Every culture has developed a formal way to 4. strangers. 5. ,Europeans and Americans shake hands. They do this with the right hand. That means I trust you. Tm not carrying a 6. .
Greetings in Asian countries do not 7. touching the other person but they always involve the hands. Today American youths often greet each other with the expression “Give me five!” Body language is 8. for anyone to study.
People give 9. much more by their 10. than by their words.
II. 1- express 2. communicate 3. varies 4. greet 5. Traditionally 6. weapon 7. involve 8. fascinating 9. away 10. gestures
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