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Tom and Jack were good friends. One night they had a car accident in which they were 1 _ hurt. The next morning Tom woke up blind(失明的). The doctor Mr. Lee was standing 2   his bed worriedly. When he saw Tom awake he asked “   3   are you feeling Tom ? ”Tom  4 “Not bad doctor. Thank you very much for doing the  5   operation(手术).” Mr. Lee was greatly moved by what Tom said and did.

Months later when Jack was   6   enough to leave the hospital Tom was  7  very sick(病的). He couldn’t see or walk. He could do  8 but stay in his wheelchair(轮椅) all day long. At first Jack stayed with him for a few days. But days later Jack thought it boring to   9   time with a disabled(残疾的)man like Tom. So he went to see Tom   10  often. He made new friends. From then on(从那之后) he didn’t go to visit Tom any more. Tom felt very   11  .

A year later Tom died. When Jack came Mr. Lee gave him a    12   from Tom. In the letter Tom said “Dear Jack I am disabled.  13    I want you to be a healthy man. So I gave my eyes to you  14   you can enjoy life as a healthy man. Now you have new friends. I’m glad to see that you are as healthy as usual. You are always my best friend…Tom.” When he finished reading the letter Mr. Lee said “I have    15  Tom that I will keep this secret until Tom is gone.”

Jack stood there like a stone. Tears ran down his face.

(     ) 1. A. badly    B. really      C. hardly      D. probably

(     ) 2. A. in          B. by         C. on           D. above

(     ) 3. A. What    B. When      C. How         D. Which

(     ) 4. A. looked  B. smiled     C. shouted     D. spoke

(     ) 5. A. lovely   B. harmful    C. enjoyable     D. special

(     ) 6. A. good    B. ill            C. well              D. kind

(     ) 7. A. even     B. still         C. yet                 D. ever

(     )8. A. everything B. something C. nothing     D. anything

(     )9. A.lose       B. save         C. spend            D. take

(     )10. A. more  B. less           C. quite               D. much

(     )11. A. sad      B. happy      C. proud              D. nervous

(     ) 12. A. card    B. gift          C. letter                D. poster

(     )12. A. But       B. So           C. Or                   D. Though

(     )14. A. since     B. in order to  C. as soon as    D. so that

(     )15. A. promised  B. understood C. found        D. said


1A 2B 3C 4B 5D 6A 7B 8C 9C 10B 11A 12C 13A 14D 15A