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  阅读下面的材料 掌握其大意 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中 选择最佳选项。

A British student has a new invention. It can make children do more 1 and spend less time watching TV. The technology is 2 "Square-eyes". It is a little sensor (感应器) and it is put in children’s 3 . It can store the information that how many steps a child has taken during the day and 4 the information to the family computer. Software (软件) then tells the 5 how many hours of TV he or she can watch that evening. If the child walks one hundred steps then he can watch TV for one minute. 6 children use up all of their TV time they have to do more walking. The inventor Gillian Swan says "This will 7 children to make exercise part of their daily lives from an early age. "She said that ten years ago children were 8 because they often played outside 9 their friends while today’s children 10 too much time in front of the TV and don’t take enough exercise. This means that today’s children become fatter and fatter.

(  )1. A. games     B. studies      C. practice     D.exercise

(  )2. A. produced  B. named        C. replied      D. Made

(  )3. A. shoes     B. glasses      C. hats         D. coats

(  )4. A. take      B. encourage    C. read        D. Send

(  )5. A. child     B. student      C. woman       D. teacher

(  )6. A. Although B. So          C. Unless        D. When

(  )7. A. agree     B. allow        C. help         D. Set

(  )8. A. cheaper   B. cleaner      C. healthier    D. clearer

(  )9. A. for       B. by           C. with         D. On

(  )10. A. spend    B. take         C. cost         D. use


1D 2B 3A 4D 5A 6D 7C 8C 9C 10A

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