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The first act [b] [/ b] valentine's day,Cow:hey,look,what doesn't really painful radio to read books?All trouble
Penny:hi's sister is not every year in hard today?No wonder that you don't get excited,I also was unbalanced
Cow:what!O I everyday
Penny:calculate excuses for not all like valentine's day holiday you sad hi have a boyfriend calculate however like me who receives the beauty should also hi star-crossed
Cow:come on,you can still do you sick star-crossed I see is long
Penny:no!Anyway all the same if nobody accompanies a boyfriend just hey I request is not high as a little better than Andy lau:just so little that I deserve it?You said static
O:what made me still finish this problem
Penny:cattle,o you dizzy
Wife:you listen to my brother etc that I really didn't mean it
Belle:smelly boy dare to play me I was professor
Wife:I really think I could write who download the blind is that what you break the professor published
Belle:yeah!Who would have thought of you who will have the opportunity to see whether the sun waiting for tomorrow together with the Iraqi people pray tomorrow
Wife:boss I was wrong,I didn't dare to the next ANiu will help me the medicine
Belle:next time you want to have the next
RMB:oh what fell fast cast out,I have never lost a lot for the loser is how you are here hey
Penny:what?You so as to self-study
RMB:there is handsome but today I but riches!Wish everyday is a valentine's day so I can have confidence in more than 20 years,Bill Gates has to take
Penny:oh,I won't give you any boy tried to chase my this young lady is not so good bait
RMB:a dollar
Penny:what a dollar
RMB:come on you when I was a philanthropist the roses are sold me the last remaining in a classmate's sake will charge you a cost one dollar hurry
Penny:you go to your roses
Don't throw the gibbet stem ah,I broke or otherwise,I want you to compensate
ANiu:RMB you too!Not a rose
Penny:not just a rose
ANiu:gave penny let her in valentine's day has rose up
Penny:who wants to you
This is not ANiu RMB:yi?You how can here
ANiu:oh how can't I
RMB:of course not!You can be a cucumber brother today isn't what's on
ANiu:I today and cucumber
Today,but you of the valentine's day holiday
ANiu:who said I and he is
The truth:gee hasn't admit in the eyes
ANiu:I really
RMB to sell the roses cucumber still perhaps can earn two three
ANiu:I and how could he that that
RMB exchange rate:hello:now how much 8.31
The ANiu:why would think so don't understand
Penny:this also no wonder who called you all two pairs idiot would think so
ANiu:paired idiotic to cut it
Penny:look at that cucumber cucumber
Cucumber:oh really exhausted me
Penny:cucumber you big box of small box
Cucumber:I don't want to,but I am born the life that I have what way
How ANiu:who is your chocolate
What is all hide cucumber:but my sister
Penny:why are you carrying on which of the elder sister
ANiu:maybe the supermarket's aunt
Cucumber:what do you see this cut like a girl to send
Penny:otherwise is a boy
Cucumber:play to didn't mean it with me this handsome and natural and unrestrained graceful bearing the handsome prince generous woman sending this day someone's things don't cry to shout a somebody else give I see no way to die,I just don't understand those little girls
Penny:there you are...Made today
Cucumber:tell me about it,not even box of chocolate is still depends on what is the lowest price is $decades as the three digits of chocolate I see one took it into the dustbin today,don't know how many girls cry.What is it this way:hi times son have corp.this face
ANiu:ah!The cucumber in uh-oh,I know the way is to carry these are just some of the face is enough for you to call me or a girl
Cucumber:you see this truth call me on my mobile phone,you still play embarrassedly and shy girl
ANiu:that you think why she didn't play your mobile phone
Cucumber:hi somebody else a little girl is always a bit shy?This is not understand my mobile phone?Gee I phone
ANiu:just the shy girl say you are shy of chocolate in the supermarket buy when the phone down on the counter
Cucumber:oh shit
Penny,ANiu:cut hypocrisy
Wang:cucumber how tomorrow also don't now ready to PE!Run so fast to learn to fly?Tomahawk missiles
ANiu:he also wish to fly?How come you miss wang
Wang:oh,this is your next week I filled out the form now go to France,but it's not easy,I spent great effort to get here.给我分