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随着人民生活水平的不断提高 越来越多的人加人了 “有车一族”,可是随之而来的交通堵塞和空气污染也越来越明显。请根据下面漫画中的相关信息,结合自己的理解 写一封倡议书,表达一下自己的观点,倡导绿色出行。



2.短文词数不少于l00 。

3.内容充实 结构完整 语意连贯。   


As is depicted in the picture above we can see that_______________________________________




As is depicted in the picture above we can see that the streets are filled with so many cars that the traffic jams happen very frequently which has very bad influence on the life of the people.  Nowadays we Chinese people are living a comparatively rich life. People buy cars to go out very conveniently. But what we have to mention is that so many cars on the road might not be a good thing for the city traffic. Sometimes using cars is not good for health and it produces to some degree air pollution causing the illness and the rise in temperature.     In order to avoid traffic jams and reduce air pollution we can choose other energy-saving means of transportation. For example we can take buses instead of driving cars. Besides the bicycle is a convenient means of transport. I think cycling is recreation and a sport. If the place where you want to go is nearby you can walk there which is of great benefit to your health.     All in all let’s choose green means of transportation and create a green world!
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