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In ancient China,women has no statue in the society."Husband is wives' sky",this Chinese phrase describe women's absolute obedience and dependence to their husband.Even if the husband has passed away,they cannot re-marry.However,commoners can have "three wives four concubines"; the emperor have concubines live "three palaces and six courts"; a typical high official also has lots of wives and concubines.There is no law that limits the number of women a man can marry.These women have different status in the family.Wife is only the "principal wife",and other ladies are subordinate position under her.Concubines have low status that the husband and wife can give,sell or buy them whenever they want.For instance,in the famous Chinese literature "Dream of the Red Chamber",Lady Wang and concubine Zhao has different status,and therefore,their sons' status is different too.In all these ladies and concubines,there is only one principal wife.This is also why the male protagonist Jia Baoyu cannot marry both Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai as principal wife.Therefore,the ancient Chinese practice is actually a "monogamy with concubines" marriage.
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