早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


①----How much milk is there in the box?
----- ______
A.Many B.Few C.A few D.None
②This kind of apple tastes _____and sells______.
A.well;well B.good;good C.well;good D.good;well
③It seemed that his words_____her
A.pleasing B.pleased C.pleasant D.pleasure
④He never ______ a pair of glasses
A/ puts on B/ has C/ with D/ wears
1d milk 是不可数名词,所以只能选择none.
2d taste 是系动词,所以用good,well是副词,动词只能用副词修饰.
3b 此处考查虚拟语气,虚拟语气估计你们还没有学习,就当做是固定用法记住吧.
4d.此处需要动词,可以排除c,b项意思上好像不太符合,a项一般适用于穿衣服.d 表示一种状态.(此我不知道我回答的答案对不,全凭我自己所学,我英语还行吧,过了大学英语六级了,我估计回答的没有问题)