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Nowadays,there is a heated discussion in our school about if cloning should be allowed or not.Some students are strong for it.There are four reasons account for this.First,cloning is optional way to treat the parents who find it difficult to have children.Another reason is to reproduce such great talents like Einstein.A further reason is to obtain a supply of stem cell which can develop into every other type of cell in the body.So it was possible for someone badly injured to recover.A fourth reason is that scientists believe that a cloning crop can resist pests.Besides,the students against cloning hold the view that it will raise up many problems.
Nowadays,there is a heated discussion in our school about if cloning should be allowed or not.Some students are strong for it.There are four reasons account for this.First,cloning is∧optional way to treat the parents who find it difficult to have children.Another reason is to reproduce such great talents like Einstein.A further reason is to obtain a supply of stem cell which can develop into every other type of cell in the body.So it was possible for someone badly injured to recover.A fourth reason is that scientists believe that a cloning crop can resist pests.Besides,the students against cloning hold the view that it will raise up many problems.

1.if改为whether  考查宾语从句引导词.因为if表示"是否"时不能引导介词宾语从句,而whether可以.       
2.strong改为strongly  考查副词.应用副词修饰介词短语for it,"强烈支持".
3.account改为accounting 此处考查的是非谓语动词作定语的用法,因为reasons和account之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,所以此处应用account的现在分词形式作定语.
4.optional前面增加an  考查冠词. 因为way是可数名词,在此处是泛指,而optional又是以元音音素开头,所以应在optional前加an.   
5.like改为as  考查介词.such…as…是固定短语,意为"像…一样的…".        
6.cell改为cells  考查名词单复数.cell是可数名词,根据前面的obtain a supply of可判断出,此处应用其复数形式,表示"干细胞".
7.was改为is   考查时态.根据上下文语境"there is""are"等可判断出,此处应用一般现在时.       
8.cloning改为cloned  考查过去分词.此处应用clone的过去分词形式cloned"克隆过的"充当形容词作crop的定语.
9.Besides改为However/Nevertheless  考查连词.语境表示,支持克隆的学生认为克隆有很多好处,但是反对克隆的学生认为克隆会导致很多问题.此处应用表示转折关系的副词However/Nevertheless.
10.删除up 考查介词.因为raise是及物动词,后面接宾语时不用加介词.
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