早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Everybody knows that English is the bridge to the world.English is widely used in the world.
First of all,English is the working language of most of the organizations in the world.If you don't understand English,you can't communicate with foreigners.Though you can have an interpreter,it will be more fun to communicate with a foreigner in person.
Second,English is used in tourism.Whether you go to a foreign country to travel or foreign friends come to travel in China,English is used.
Third,most of the websites are in English and TV and in English,too.Besides,most of the newspapers and books are printed in English.
In a word English is very important,either in China or outside China.So English is the bridge to the world.
Everybody knows that English is the bridge to the world.English is widely used in the world.
First of all,English is the working language of most of the organizations in the world.If you don't understand English,you can't communicate with foreigners.Though you can have an interpreter,it will be more fun to communicate with a foreigner in person.
Second,English is used in tourism.Whether you go to a foreign country to travel or foreign friends come to travel in China,English is used.
Third,most of the websites are in English and TV and in English,too.Besides,most of the newspapers and books are printed in English.
In a word English is very important,either in China or outside China.So English is the bridge to the world.
most of the websites are in English ,so is TV
English 使用太频繁了 有时可以换 it
English 使用太频繁了 有时可以换 it
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