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Dr.Issac Asimov was a American writer and biochemist who was born in Russia in 1920.Asimov moved to the United States with his family the age of three.He grows up in New York graduating from Columbia University in 1939.In 1948 he had got his PhD in chemistry.It was when Asimov was 11 years old that his gift on writing became obvious.He started to take himself serious as a writer and in 1939 he began having stories publish in science fiction magazines.Throughout his life Asimov produced a large number of book.But he is most known for his science fiction stories.Some of his ideas about robots later influenced many others writers.

Dr.Issac Asimov was an American writer and biochemist who was born in Russia in 1920.Asimov moved to the United States with his family ∧at the age of three.He grew up in New York graduating from Columbia University in 1939.In 1948 he(去掉had)got his PhD in chemistry.It was when Asimov was 11 years old that his gift for writing became obvious.He started to take himself seriously as a writer and in 1939 he began having stories published in science fiction magazines.Throughout his life Asimov produced a large number of books.But he is best known for his science fiction stories.Some of his ideas about robots later influenced many other writers.
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