早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


III.Identify the problems in the following sentences,and try to improve them.(15%)
1.Grow up is a bitter-sweet experience for most people..2.Even she isn’t with us,we can show our gratitude to her by drinking to her health..3.He didn’t work hard,hence he failed in the final examination..4.Jill is the girl whom I think went up the hill..5.Fog can cause blindness to the vision..6.Make more money does not mean that we are more than happy to work.
.7.Tess was born poor,therefore she had to work very hard to earn a living.
.8.We can get more knowledge even more experience from the communication with other people..9.The Red Cross will accept whomever volunteers..10.Many items are expensive in price at discount stores.因为没有悬赏对于帮忙的人真的很感谢!
1.Growing up is a bitter-sweet experience for most people.
2.Even though she isn’t with us,we can show our gratitude to her by drinking to her health.
3.He didn’t work hard,so that he failed in the final examination.
4.Jill is the girl who went up the hill,I think.
5.Fog can lead to blindness of the vision.
6.Making more money does not mean that we are more than happy to work.
7.Tess was born in poor,therefore she had to work very hard to earn a living.
8.We can get more knowledge and experience from the communication with other people.
9.The Red Cross will be accepted whomever volunteers.
10.Many items are expensive in price in the discount stores.
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