早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
To:English Column Editor
xxx News Paper
Re:Food poisoning after consuming food purchased from market
Dear Sir,
I am writing to lodge a complaint.My neighbor suffered food poisoning after eating non-hygienie food from the local market.She called me for help and she has survived because we rushed her to hospital in time.It is very important for the society to pay serious attention to food hygiene and safety and the government bodies concerned should enforce the law and take actions against those hawkers selling non-hygienic food.As a media serving the public,please kind help me to send this message to the public and the related government bodies.
Thank you so much!
xxx News Paper
Re:Food poisoning after consuming food purchased from market
Dear Sir,
I am writing to lodge a complaint.My neighbor suffered food poisoning after eating non-hygienie food from the local market.She called me for help and she has survived because we rushed her to hospital in time.It is very important for the society to pay serious attention to food hygiene and safety and the government bodies concerned should enforce the law and take actions against those hawkers selling non-hygienic food.As a media serving the public,please kind help me to send this message to the public and the related government bodies.
Thank you so much!
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