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Today,my uncle said to me"now,the teenager have the same thought".I am 20 years old.I have a big dream.about future,I feel excited.but today,I was so sad after what uncle said.he means I was unrealistic.he didn't believe me!I was so disappointed.I think he should have encourage me.whatever,I don't give up my dream!I am intent on my work.fulfill oneself.no one believe me except I.不知道我表达的怎样.我虚心接受错误!
I am 20 years old!I have a big dream about future and feel excited.While my uncle said to me today :"The teenagers have the same thought nowadays".I was so sad after hearing what he said since I think he should have encouraged me.I was so disappointed that he didn't believe in me and thought I was unrealistic!Whatever,I will devoted to my work and enrich myself.I won't give up my dream even though nobody believe in me!