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Dear earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan's sixth-grade students:
How are you!
When I heard,Sichuan earthquake killed many people after the news was very sad.
Sichuan earthquake,we quietlySitting in the classroom
Lane,concentrate on listening to the teacher lectures?Where you actually have taken place in an unprecedented magnitude 8 earthquake.I have just started to hear this news really could not believe this is true,and so I listened to the teacher's description of television watched,I have to believe that a magnitude 8 earthquake is indeed happened.I suddenly felt how insignificant,at a loss and helpless,I can only see the TV screen outsourced,an increase tragic picture.I do anything,I reach out,it will not help much to the compatriots in the thousands of miles away,I shed tears,but can only hold a sympathy and anxious and I want to cry,but ultimately do little.I can only donate through their own pocket money,to express my little love.
Dear students,school teachers and students to actively donate money,we want to help you re-build a beautiful school,I hope everyone can lend a helping hand to help the earthquake-stricken compatriots.
Hope that it will be left to the struggle of the people forever!I believe that the hope of,the efforts!Even grief erosion of a family of the heart,but I think my friends,you never give up!
We never abandoned the Chinese nation is a nation is proud of the nation,is burning,in a warm light of the nation!As long as we work together,the bitter disaster,the big waves we can wave a past!Fellow students,let us turn grief into strength,tears for the distillation of strong,early return to your beautiful campus study and work!
I wish you
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