早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语题 ,速求解.
land's End is the south west tip of the British mainland each year over a million people visit the area just over a mile off shore is the long ships reef this donger to ships is guarded by the Long ships lighthouse .
请速度改出来 , 我格外谢谢你们.
land's End is the south west tip of the British mainland each year over a million people visit the area just over a mile off shore is the long ships reef this donger to ships is guarded by the Long ships lighthouse .
请速度改出来 , 我格外谢谢你们.
Land's end is the south west tip of the British mainland.Each year,over a million people visit the area .Just over a mile off shore is the long ships reef.This donger to ships is guarded by the Long ships lighthouse .
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