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什么时候用that,one,this ,it,这四个词啊,选择题到底选哪个,明白的详细说说呗,
that:1.代词:That radio is his.那个收音机是他的.2.定语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句的引导词:The house that used to be mine is sold now.那间以前是我的房子现在卖了.What i want to say is that we should pay attention.我要说的是我们应该注意.I think that she is a good girl.我认为她是一个好女孩.The news that he won surpriese me.那个他赢了的消息令我惊奇.one:通常用于指代前文提及过的名词,有时亦是固定搭配的短语,如:The book is not hers.That one is.这书不是她的,那个才是.常考固定搭配:On one hand...on the other hand等 this:代词,表示“这个”,如:This book is mine.it:一般作形式主语、形式宾语、代词,如:It is simple to do that.做那个很简单.We find it hard to do this.我们发现做这个很难.Please take it away.请把它拿走.