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别有道呗 电脑翻译我也会…… 太离谱了
The girl finally found the courage of the boy said:"We break up"
The boy asked:"Why?"
The girl said:"tired,you do not need a reason."
One night
Smoking does not only talk the boy
Girl's heart more cold
"Not even retain the expression of lover
Give me what kind of happiness?"
After a long time
The boy finally can not help but say:"how do you can stay?"
The girl said slowly:
"Answer a question,if you can answer on the answer to my heart,I'll stay."
"For example,I very much like a flower on a cliff,and you pick the results of one hundred percent
Death,would you pick me?"
The boy then said:"Tomorrow morning,to tell you the answer you?"
Girl's heart suddenly gray down
Wake up,the boy has not
Only a paper filled with words of warm milk cup in under pressure
The first line,let the girl sank through the
"Honey,I will not pick
But please allow me to state the reasons for not pick
You will only use the computer typing
The program are always a big mess
Front of the keyboard and then cry
I want to keep your fingers to your finishing process
You always forget to take out the key
I want to keep running back to your feet open the door
You love travel
In their own cities are often lost
I want to keep the eyes to show you the way
Per month (friends) to visit when
Your body is always cold,but also stomach pain
I want to keep your belly warm palm
You do not love to go out
I fear you will suffer from autism
I want to keep your mouth to catch lonely footer
You always stare by computer
The eye is not to spoil too great
I want to live good lives
So you are old
You trim nails
Help you make your chagrin of white hair pulled
Holding your hand
Enjoy the beautiful sunshine on the beach and soft sand
Tell you the color of a blossoming flower
Youth face ...like you
I was not sure I love you more than before
I do not want to pick the flower ..."
(Girls teardrop on paper
The formation of crystal flowers)
Wipe the tears,the girl continued to look down:
If you have read the
The answer to your satisfaction,then also
Please open the door
I was standing outside the door
Carrying the milk you most like to eat bread ..."
The girl opened the door
See his face
Tight like a child
Only the twisted bread shake hands in front of her
I think this is love or life
Being surrounded by calm
Some ordinary love
Always been eager to ignore the passion and romance of the heart
Love!Caused by both sides,many a minor action,the
Never fixed pattern
Only Love
Can be any one form of bland
But life is floating in the shallow surface embellishment
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