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I have always aspired to be a fighter pilot.My dream began when I was about seven years old.One day,my uncle took me for a ride in his private plane.It was a momentous experience for me!Soaring freely in the sky,high above the rest of civilization,I knew that I would never want to do anything as much as I wanted to fly.
As I grew older,I began to read books on aviation and air adventures.I was especially fascinated with accounts of air battles.Biggles was my hero above all other heroes.Thus,my ambition narrowed from just wanting to fly a plane to becoming a fighter pilot.The thought of scudding through the sky with the ability to defy gravity with a multi-million dollar piece of machinery and patriotic fervor excited my soul.
The requirements for fighter pilot candidates are many and difficult to fulfill.Among them are academic excellence,perfect eyesight,a fit body,quick reflexes and the ability to stay cool under pressure.Well,I have never been the kind of person to leave things to chance:I am constantly aware of the need to work towards my goals.
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