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以下是篇高三英语的短文改错文章.麻烦看下,把文章的十处错误找出来,然后告诉我该怎么改正.没句有错的地方我打个括号 .最后吧原文翻译出来.
Some student ignore personal safety on the way to school and back home.( )
we often find students chasing after each other ( )or talking while riding .Also,it was common to see students ( )going on the opposite direction or talking friends on( )their bikes .but some are even going on the motorway.( ) All these can lead to serious injury,even death.( ).To prevent tragedies,they should increase security awareness.( ) Always remember :Keep away from vehicle turning around.( ) Keep in mind which"red light for stop,green light for go ".Life is above( ) all.To value our lives,we can't never be careful enough on the way( )
Some students ignore personal safety on the way to school and back home.( )
we often find(see) students chasing after each other ( )or talking while riding .Also,it was (is) common to see students ( )going on the opposite direction or talking friends on( )their bikes .but some are even going(walking) on the motorway.( ) All these can(may) lead to serious injury,even death.( ).To prevent tragedies,they should increase(enhance ) security awareness.( ) Always remember :Keep away from vehicle(s) turning around.( ) Keep in mind "red light for stop,green light for go ".Life is above( ) all.To value our lives,we can't never be careful enough on the way( )
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