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假如你是李华,最近你在澳大利亚布里斯班的home stay打算来中国旅游并来看望你,来之前有些问题要咨询你,请根据下面home stay的电子邮件用英语回一封电子邮件.
Hi Li Hua,
Hope you and your family are well.We have booked a tour to see the sights of China in August In the travel we plan to fly to Wuhan to see you.How does that sound?Because we are going to stay in your city for two days,so can you keep us informed of your arrangements about our stay and how can we get to your city from the airport?By the way,please tell me which hotel we had better reserve in your city?
Waiting for your reply!
Steven and Karen
3.写作内容不要透露你所在城市的任何信息,推荐酒店为White Swan Hotel.
Hi Steven and Karen,
I'm  more than thrilled to know you are going to be with us for two days and
Li Hua.
Hi Steven and Karen,
I'm more than thrilled to know that you are going to be with us for two days and I'm writing to tell you my arrangements for your stay in our city.【高分句型一】(开头-引出话题)
I swear you will find it worthwhile to visit our city.I can guide you to the museum.Therefore you can get a better understanding of our history.Additionally,since there lies a lake in our city,we can cycle around the lake to have a feast for our eyes.【高分句型二】(安排行程)By the way,it is very convenient for my parents and me to pick you up at the airport,which can save you a lot of trouble from taking a bus or a train.【高分句型三】(到达方式)
As for the hotel,I strongly recommend White Swan Hotel.It is a five-star hotel with well-equipped rooms and excellent services.If you can reserve a room in advance,you can have a good discount.(预定宾馆)
Looking forward to your coming!
 Li Hua
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