早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.The news surprised us all.(改为同义句)
We are all_____ _____the news.
2.He is not old enough to go to school.(改为同义句)
He is_____ _____ _____go to school.
3.My father borrowed some money from my uncle.(改为同义句)
My uncle_____aome money_____my father.
4.Lucy's shirt is as good as Liy's.(改为同义句)
Lucy's and Lily's shirts_____ _____ _____.
5.I will go after he comes back.(改为同义句)
I_____go_____he comes back.
1.We are all ( surprised at ) the news.be surprised at 因.吃惊
2.He is (too young to) go to school .too.to.太.不能.
3.My uncle ( lent ) some money (to) my father.lend sth to sb 借给某人某物
4.Lucy's and Lily's shirts (are both good).两者都好
5.I (won't ) go (until) he comes back.not.until.直到.才.
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