早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


_____you ______(watch)the football match last night?
No.I______(do) my homework the whole evening.
答案是did ,watching,was doing 第一个空为什么不是were
He ____the sky and was lost in his thought.
A looked B looked up at C looked out D looked into
Don't worry too much.You've got______cold
A a bit B a bit of C a little D a little of
第一个题:第一个空如果是did那么第二个空只能填watch动词原型,不然只能用were doing.按照英语习惯一般是 Did you watch the football game match last night?侧重点是问你昨晚有没有看足球赛.
Were you watching the football game match last night?意思是:你昨晚一直在看足球比赛吗?
这两种填法在语法上都没有错,主要看上下文句义来选择.我见过的题大部分都是Did you watch...
No.I was doing...选择进行时的原因是根据the whole evening.只有进行时才能体现出在那段时间“我”一直在做某事.
look up at 仰头向上看;
look out (表示警告,尤指有危险)小心,当心,留神 eg,Look out!There is a car coming.当心!有车来了.
look into sth 意思是to examine sth 调查;审查 eg,A working party has been set up to look into the problem.已成立一个调查小组来调查这个问题.
PS:在考试时如果你一时记不起这些意思或者不知道,那么就先仔细读完题目主句,大概猜测下句义,把这四个选项一个个放进去对比排除.在“He ____the sky and was lost in his thought."这句中,你能知道他是---天空,陷入沉思中.天空只能是抬头看上去,介词out有看向外面的意思,而into 则是向里面看,在这里只有up 有向上的意思.
第三题:因为一般情况下可以互换,但是感冒是a bit of的固定搭配!
a bit和a little通常可互换.但在修饰名词时有区别:a little可直接修饰不可数名词;而a bit则要与of搭配才能修饰名词,如:a little money/a bit of money,a little cold/a bit of a cold(有点感冒),如果a little与of搭配,则a little用于指后文,即of后的名词为特指.如:I’ve only read a little of the book.(北京四中网校一老师给的解释)
另一个有意思的解释:catch a bit of cold 意思是被一点寒冷传染感冒了,而 catch a little cold 则是被一个小小的寒冷传染感冒了,两者不能说谁对谁错,相对来说呢,catch a bit of cold 更准确!
PS:a bit与a little 基本同义 都是:有点;一点的意思.
1、a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示"一点儿"的意思.
2、a bit和a little在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,not a bit相当于"not at all"(一点儿都不);not a little相当于"very(much)"或"extremely"(很、非常).