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大家帮我找一篇英文演讲稿,面对灾难 (in th fce of disaster) 三分钟以内,大约四五百词吧.
In the face of disaster
Do you believe the word is coming to an end?Are you frightented of disasters?Maybe you have never thought about that.But many predictions,from the ancient Maya or according to the Sumerians,humanity is about to perish and our planet will undergo mass destruction and anything on earth will disappear forevermore.Believe it or not,man can do little in the face of disasters and therefore life should be treasured in our sober moments.
As we know,a massive magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck Japan and a 10-metre destrctive tsunami was triggered last Friday.It has killed more than 8000 people!It forced thousands of people from their homes!It lead to at least 12000 people missing.Buildings were kocked down ; Fishing boats were swept; Rice paddies were swallowed; Widespread fires were sparked out of control;Even a whole village was washed away entirely.Although rescue work are continuing,victims are still growing.That’s the disaster!
Presently,disasters,flash floods、droughts、tornados,volcanic eruptions,earthquakes,landslides,occurred on our planet.Every year,millions of people are killed,injured or left homeless.We catch sight of the battered wreckage,the terrified refugees,the miserable death on television nearly everyday.Natural disasters are becoming very rapidly an increasing threat for human’s surviving.
The serious disasters happened recently years especially.[Pictures]China、Indonesia、Haiti、Chile and some other courtries suffered destructive earthquakes or natural disasters.Huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives.However,the more we suffered,the more we felt the limitatiions of our human beings,powerless 、panic、tininess.Through destroy,we understand what’s counts most in our livies .
If the prediction of 2012 came true,will your life be any difference?For thousands victims who lived with pains and catastrophe,do you have the courage to face life more cheerfully Cherish life,care for life,respect life.We can never forget the understanding and cooperation among our human benings.Exert ourselvies and never stop making efferts!
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