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求一篇题目为A social problem in our country
要能说清what the problem is,causes,effects,possible solutions,your suggestions!
New development in our current phase,the occurrence of social conflict,as well as the incentive of a threat to social stability may not be an objective class drawn from the bottom of society,but from comparison with the reference group of people agree with a relatively low level.Determine people's social class identity conflict awareness and behavior-oriented,a common class identity easy to form a common class consciousness and behavior orientation.Of social conflict in the sense of all the explanatory variables,the identity class is the most significant factor.One's own identity is easier to form a relatively consistent level of conflict between the social strata severity of understanding.Survey shows that more will be accepted as the upper strata of their own people,the more that the present and future conflicts between the smaller the class; and more to identify themselves with the most lower class people,the more is that the present and future class the conflict between classes seriously.Especially those subjectively themselves reduced to the lowest level of society personnel,more prone to extreme behavior.For example,the When we survey the public "in co-workers or neighbors because of the special things that,when invited to participate in a collective petition" personal attitude,results showed that at the lowest level of recognition class are 37.4% of respondents who participated in attitude is clearly different from other闃跺眰.Illustrate this part of the population more likely to develop all kinds of unexpected events,their behavior was a major potential social risks.This means that,in modern society,not an objective hierarchy of those in poverty are more likely to participate in and support of social conflict.
Urban societies,which is produced by a new type of social contradictions and social conflicts,that is,differences in social values led to social conflicts.People in the interests of the pattern of change in the location,and did not directly affect their propensity for conflict,from the loss of benefits to the actual conflict in operation a number of intermediate links between the need to.According to statistical analysis of inference,the interests of the pattern of change in itself not enough to lead to conflict behavior from occurring,Caused by changes in the interests of the sense of injustice and the decline in life satisfaction is the result of direct causes of conflict behavior.By the "sense of injustice" caused by the value of understanding the causes of income inequality,making people feel psychologically income gap is "Zoom." Those who believe that people who lower their current standard of living that is not effectively improve their own future living standards of people,that the current inequitable distribution of income people,that the current occupants of property,unjust people,have generally agreed that the class now and in the future social conflicts will be among the more serious.
Therefore,the increase of various efforts to crack down the illegal income,standardize income distribution order,and safeguard social equity,is to maintain social stability is more important policy initiatives.In addition,adopt a positive policy measures,to prejudice the interests of reform groups,to give appropriate compensation to improve their life satisfaction,but also reduce social conflict and maintain social stability,important content.
Social differentiation of the two poles have a stronger sense of social conflict.The survey found that "getting rich quick" and "quick-induced poor" who think that the present and future conflict between the class will be more serious.The past,people give greater attention to "quick-induced poverty",the social psychology of conflict that those with a "relative deprivation" are easier to form a sense of the conflict between the class.However,through in-depth study can be found:"get rich quick" ( "In the past five years,has greatly improved the standard of living"),who also believes that the present and the future "would be a conflict between the class tends to serious."
Caused by fast-affluent people living there are relatively strong sense of social conflict because,first of all is due to rapid changes in social structure,even though nearly half of respondents agree or strongly agree few people get rich first this view of social benefits ,but most people are dissatisfied with the existing pattern of income distribution and hopes to further rationalize the distribution of income in order so that the income gap is more moderate and reasonable; in this general public opinion,the.Wealthy class and wealth for their own safety to worry.Second,because people solve the issue of income distribution there are large differences of opinion.The survey,the most senior staff in 35.4% of people do not agree with more,tax the rich a tax to help the poor,there is 13.6% held indifferent attitudes about half of the sum of the two senior officers of the society does not support multiple taxes in order to help the poor
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