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地球 英文作文
The Earth is our friend
In the past, our home is very beautiful, very fresh air, Jade, the Viiv fish habitat as can be seen everywhere.
But today, the twenty-first century, the door has been cut into our today, the former calm beautiful blue planet - Earth has been a destruction of human devastation: water pollution, Jiang's major rivers are drying up took place, some water into "Black Sea" and "ink tank"; air pollution, factory emissions straight on the clouds, the Antarctic has been over a large area, "ozone hole", making global warming continue to rise; white pollution, since the invention of plastic that mankind things, it In order to facilitate the provision of human, like the devil to fly like the wild mountains, factory farm in a vain attempt to engulf the entire world ... ... a thought-provoking pieces of the case, evaded as a shocking reality.
A friend from himself, from small start Department, work together to protect our homeland. I sincerely suggest you start from the family, his home bagging garbage classification, were put in; little use or non-use of phosphorus washing powder and green refrigerators, air conditioners, for our future generations, leaving the blue sky, clear water , Green, red ... ... so that small animals return to their homeland so that our homeland has become a shining on the universe of "Pearl."
Friends of friends around the world, you have to wake up from it! No matter what group you what, clenched your hands warm, caring hand, environmental protection and care to the hands of our home - the Earth's it!
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