早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


   I know we don't have many serious talks,but now that I am on the edge of being an adult,I feel that
you need to know and understand me.During the past nine years that we have been in America,I have
grown greatly,changed from that wide-eyed and scared little girl to a proud and brave young woman.
The change wasn't always smooth,and I wasn't always patient,but you were both always understanding.
And through your understanding I have learned.
   I have learned from you.Dad,you wake up every morning to go to the steel plant,where people don't
speak your language and you don't speak theirs.I know that if you were in Vietnam,you would be
comfortably surrounded by friends.But you are here in America,doing what you don't like,and through
that,you are teaching your children the power of persistence.
   I have learned from you,Mom,you cook nice Vietnamese sour soup and fish,wait up at nights for
your daughters.When I see you pacing back and forth because your daughters aren't home yet,I cry
because I see so much pain in your eyes,and through your pain I learn the meaning of home a sanctuary
that I will always be able to turn to.
   Through all your sacrifices I learn the essence of being human.I learn to love.I find that this love leads
me to you,to the home,to the fact that I am Vietnamese-American.The dreams that you have taught me
slowly begin to take shape as I walk down the college path,step into the adult world and adventure out
of your world.Wherever I go,I carry my past with me,knowing that you will always be there behind me
and I will always come back,because you are where my home is.
1.This passage is a ______.
A.thank-you letter to the author's parents
B.comment on the author's parents
C.declaration of the author's growing up
D.message to praise the author's parents
2.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.the girls in the family are very naughty
B.the author's mother regrets immigrating to the USA
C.the author is proud of being a Vietnamese-American
D.the author's father feels bad at work
3.The underlined part " a sanctuary " refers to ______.
A.a place full of happiness  
B.a place providing protection
C.a place full of laughter  
D.a place providing food
4.On the whole,the author's attitude to the USA is that ______.
A.she cherishes the fact of living in the USA
B.she hates the USA because of the suffering she has got there
C.she blames the USA for the pain it brings to them
D.she is curious about the American way of life
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