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Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.
It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.
So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.
Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.
It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.
So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.
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