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参考文章:鼓楼是侗寨的标志,侗语叫"堂卡"或"堂瓦".鼓楼是由侗族自己 的能工巧匠自行设计, 没有图纸,数百根梁、 柱、仿的尽寸全凭心中暗算.整体全系木质结 构,以杉木凿榷衔接, 不用一钉一铆,上下吻合是侗寨的标志.鼓楼造形有三层、五层、七层、 九层乃至十余层不等.一般分上、中、下三个部分.上部为顶尖部, 由一根铁柱立于顶盖中央,套上陶瓷宝珠,呈葫芦型,犹如落尖,凌空而立.顶盖多为伞型,有四角、六角、八角形状.中部为层层叠楼,形似宝塔楼身.楼角有四角、六角、八角,每方楼角均为翘 角,并雕塑禽兽,神形兼备,栩栩如生.翘角层层叠叠,重棺而上.从上而下,一层比一层大,极为壮观.植板上绘有龙凤鸟兽、 古今人物、花草鱼虫以及侗族生活风俗画,玲拢雅致,五彩绞纷. 底部多为正方形,楼四周设有木质长凳,供人歇坐,中间是圆形大 火塘.鼓楼建筑独特,引起了国内外有关专家学者的关注.联合国 机构一官员称赞说:"别具一格的侗族鼓楼建筑艺术,不仅是中国 建筑艺术的瑰宝,而且是世界建筑艺术的瑰宝". 鼓楼是侗寨团结吉祥的象征,兴旺的标志,齐心的表现.因此,有侗寨即有鼓楼,或以房族修建,或几个姓氏合建.全县共有 鼓楼321座.肇兴侗寨的五座鼓楼,最为集中,人们称之?quot;侗寨 鼓楼群",坝寨乡青寨鼓楼是县境内现存历史最久的鼓楼,岩洞乡 述洞村的独柱鼓楼,是目前仅发现且保存较完整的奇特鼓楼.肇兴乡纪堂村两座鼓楼,造型最美,1982年2月13日被列为省级重点文 物保护单位.而且纪堂村建楼高师最负盛名,北京中华民族园、上海中华民族大观园的鼓楼,都出自纪堂村建楼高师之手. 鼓楼多建在寨中央,与戏台、歌坪相结合,是集会、议事、文 化娱乐的好场所. 鼓楼雄伟壮观,裴声中外,是侗族人民智慧的结晶,也是侗乡风景名胜旅游生活中最温馨的一章.
参考文章:鼓楼是侗寨的标志,侗语叫"堂卡"或"堂瓦".鼓楼是由侗族自己 的能工巧匠自行设计, 没有图纸,数百根梁、 柱、仿的尽寸全凭心中暗算.整体全系木质结 构,以杉木凿榷衔接, 不用一钉一铆,上下吻合是侗寨的标志.鼓楼造形有三层、五层、七层、 九层乃至十余层不等.一般分上、中、下三个部分.上部为顶尖部, 由一根铁柱立于顶盖中央,套上陶瓷宝珠,呈葫芦型,犹如落尖,凌空而立.顶盖多为伞型,有四角、六角、八角形状.中部为层层叠楼,形似宝塔楼身.楼角有四角、六角、八角,每方楼角均为翘 角,并雕塑禽兽,神形兼备,栩栩如生.翘角层层叠叠,重棺而上.从上而下,一层比一层大,极为壮观.植板上绘有龙凤鸟兽、 古今人物、花草鱼虫以及侗族生活风俗画,玲拢雅致,五彩绞纷. 底部多为正方形,楼四周设有木质长凳,供人歇坐,中间是圆形大 火塘.鼓楼建筑独特,引起了国内外有关专家学者的关注.联合国 机构一官员称赞说:"别具一格的侗族鼓楼建筑艺术,不仅是中国 建筑艺术的瑰宝,而且是世界建筑艺术的瑰宝". 鼓楼是侗寨团结吉祥的象征,兴旺的标志,齐心的表现.因此,有侗寨即有鼓楼,或以房族修建,或几个姓氏合建.全县共有 鼓楼321座.肇兴侗寨的五座鼓楼,最为集中,人们称之?quot;侗寨 鼓楼群",坝寨乡青寨鼓楼是县境内现存历史最久的鼓楼,岩洞乡 述洞村的独柱鼓楼,是目前仅发现且保存较完整的奇特鼓楼.肇兴乡纪堂村两座鼓楼,造型最美,1982年2月13日被列为省级重点文 物保护单位.而且纪堂村建楼高师最负盛名,北京中华民族园、上海中华民族大观园的鼓楼,都出自纪堂村建楼高师之手. 鼓楼多建在寨中央,与戏台、歌坪相结合,是集会、议事、文 化娱乐的好场所. 鼓楼雄伟壮观,裴声中外,是侗族人民智慧的结晶,也是侗乡风景名胜旅游生活中最温馨的一章.
Reference article: The drumtower is the Dong Zhai symbol, the Dong language calls "Hall card " Or " Hall tile " . The drumtower isindependently designs by the Dong minority skilled craftsman, does nothave the blueprint, several hundred Liang, the column, imitate thecompletely inch all in good conscience center plots against. The wholeall is the lignin structure, discusses by the pine chisel links up,does not use a nail riveting, about tallies is the Dong Zhai symbol.The drumtower shape has three, five, seven, nine and even ten isdifferent. As soon as distributes, center, the next three parts. Upside for goesagainst 尖部, 铁柱 stands by to the roof panel central committee,puts on the ceramic no. 3 gunpowder tea, assumes the bottle gourd,just like falls the point, flies high stands. The roof panel are manyis an umbrella, some four jiao, hexagon, octagonal shape. Middle forlayer upon layer folds the building, takes the form of the valuableturret body. The building angle has four jiao, the hexagon, the staranise, each Fang Loujia for 翘角, and the sculpture animal, the godshape has both, lifelike. 翘角 layer upon layer folds, heavy coffinon. From on under, compared to big, extremely magnificent sight.Plants on the board to draw has the Longfeng birds and beasts, theancient and modern character, the flowered grass carp insect as wellas the Dong minority life genre painting, Ling gathers togetherrefinedly, the all colors twist numerously. The base are many is thesquare, the building all around is equipped with the lignin bench, forthe person 歇坐, middle is the circular big firepit. The drumtowerbuilding was unique, has aroused the domestic and foreign concernedexperts' interest. A United Nations Organization official commended:" Has a distinctive style Dong minority drumtower constructionart, not only is the Chinese construction art treasure, moreover isworld construction art treasure " . The drumtower is Dong Zhaiunites the propitious symbol, prosperous symbol, of one mindperformance. Therefore, has Dong Zhaiji to have the drumtower, eitherto the family members constructs, either several surnames gatherconstruct. County-wide altogether has drumtower 321. Initiates is popular Dong Zhai five drumtowers, is most centralized,the people call it? Quot; Dong Zhaigu buildings cluster " The damstronghold township blue stronghold drumtower is within the boundariesof the county the extant historical most long drumtower, the grottotownship states the hole village the alone column drumtower, is atpresent only discovered also preserves a more complete unusualdrumtower. Initiates is popular township Ji Tangcun two drumtowers,the modelling is most beautiful, on February 13, 1982 is listed as theprovincial level key cultural relic preservation organ. Moreover JiTangcun constructs Lou Gaoshi most to have the great reputation, theBeijing Chinese nation garden, the Shanghai Chinese nation ProspectGarden's drumtower, all stems from Ji Tangcun to construct hand of theLou Gaoshi. The drumtower constructs in the stronghold centralcommittee, with the stage, the song level ground unifies, is theassembly, discusses official business, the cultural entertainment goodplace. The drumtower grand magnificent sight, the Pei sound Chineseand foreign, are the Dong minority people wisdom crystallization, alsois in the Dong township scenery scenic spot traveling life a warmestchapter.
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