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我听了冲击波和星火的听力,第一次错那么多 过几天再听第二次还是错那些~愁.我现在还应该再听些什么?
自己写的 听BBC、VOA啊,可以先听VOA慢速,好一些再听正常语速的
To improve your English listening,the interest is the first point that you should care about.The improvement is always based on your passion for English listening.You can watch some simple but interesting English movies to discover the amusement.The second step is to tell yourself when you find some words too hard to understand whilst you listen,don't be worried and let them go.Thus you can grasp the following words,and you should believe a single word won't stop you from comprehending the audition.Thirdly,the English language possesses a vivid saying that Practise Makes Perfect,so it's essential
to seize the opportunity of listening English news,for instance,BBC CNN and VOA.You can just listen for the first few times,then read the text to find the details you've missed.Listen again,and you'll find it easy to understand the whole passage.
To sum up,the three points to improve English listening is interest,confidence and patience.
Adhere to them!
May you succeed~
看了 英语专八如何提高听力我听了冲...的网友还看了以下:

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