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阅读理解 阅读短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

When Juliet was a child she often went to the city park and played with her friends. On a sunny morning when Juliet came to the park with her mum she looked around and felt very unhappy.

“What’s the matter dear?” asked her mum.

Juliet replied “Mum there’s so much trash on the ground.”

Juliet’s mum looked around. There was paper boxes and glass bottles everywhere.

“What can we do?” asked Juliet.

“I’m sure you will think of something ” said her mum.

As soon as Juliet and her mum went home Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture. The sign read “PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN”. Later she took plenty of bags and went back to the park with her mum. Juliet put up her picture on a big trash can (垃圾桶).

“Will you help me pick up the trash Mum?” Juliet said as she handed her mum a bag.

“I sure will ” replied her mum.

The children at the park ran over to see what was going on. Juliet handed them each a bag. “Let’s clean this place up ” said Juliet. Then they began to pick up the trash talking and laughing. Soon all the bags were full.

“We need to come back another day. There’s still some trash on the ground but the park looks much better ” said Juliet.

Her mum said “So it does. I knew you would think of a way to help.

(   ) 1. Why was Juliet sad?

       A. Because the weather was bad.

       B. Because she couldn’t find her mum.

       C. Because her friends were not at the park. 

       D. Because there was too much trash at the park. 

(   ) 2. Juliet put up the picture to ______.

       A. show off her painting skills

       B. give her mum a big surprise

       C. encourage people to keep the park clean

       D. show people how beautiful the park was

(   ) 3. From the underlined sentence we can learn that Juliet’s mum ______.

       A. was proud of Juliet

       B. was angry with Juliet 

       C. thought Juliet was lazy

       D. thought Juliet was difficult

(   ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE about the children?

       A. They laughed at Juliet.

       B. They had an awful and tiring day.

       C. They bought some bags from Juliet.

       D. They joined Juliet in picking up the trash. 

(   ) 5. What’s the topic of the passage? 

       A. A cleanup story.

B. Juliet and her mum.

       C. A beautiful park.      

       D. How to protect the environment.


1D  2C  3A  4D  5A

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