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英文议论一下“如何看待挣得多不如嫁得好“ ,大概150个单词 不要机器写的
Being independent in economy or being in a marriage to a rich man is really a problem for most of the young ladies to consider.With the development of the society ,especially with the change of the concept on marriage in mordern society,some young ladies wish to have a good marriage to a rich young man,even some of them want to be a house wife without going out for work after being married.Perhaps,it is reasonable in such a competitive society.But,personally I think,a lady should be self-independent in economy,but not expected on the others,even one of the others is her husband.As we all know,working outside means that you have a tie to the society,and being independent refers to that you belong to nobody.Then,you will be equal to anybody and respected by everybody.
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