早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
寻求翻译 英-汉
For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing the most beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. Their dreams always include at least one scene(景色) of a sunset of the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops are like a glow(光辉) that lights the skies in the quiet water.
People often have a quiet and peaceful time for a leisurely(悠闲的) walk along the water. This scene has no difference from the dramatic beauty that greeted the first strangers centuries ago. They were Polynesian(波利尼西亚的) people who came from Tahiti(塔希提岛) in canoes.
They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm(椰子) trees, but there were no grand hotels like the ones we see nowadays. The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago. Now jet airplanes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francisco or Los Angeles.
Wherever people come from, they really want to see the original(原始的) beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains called Diamond Head which is almost hidden(遮掩) by the tall hotels.
For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing the most beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. Their dreams always include at least one scene(景色) of a sunset of the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops are like a glow(光辉) that lights the skies in the quiet water.
People often have a quiet and peaceful time for a leisurely(悠闲的) walk along the water. This scene has no difference from the dramatic beauty that greeted the first strangers centuries ago. They were Polynesian(波利尼西亚的) people who came from Tahiti(塔希提岛) in canoes.
They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm(椰子) trees, but there were no grand hotels like the ones we see nowadays. The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago. Now jet airplanes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francisco or Los Angeles.
Wherever people come from, they really want to see the original(原始的) beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains called Diamond Head which is almost hidden(遮掩) by the tall hotels.
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